수단과 방법을 가리지 말고 집요하게 움직여라!

프로젝트 유형
프로젝트 기간
2024.12 ~ 2024.2
프로젝트 참여 포지션
프로젝트 기여도
전환율을 극대화시킬 수 있는 세일즈 전략을 설정하고 2주간 서울 내에 있는 3성급 이상 호텔 약 120곳을 워크온으로 방문하였습니다.
프로젝트 배경
25년 1월, 당사에서는 신사업으로 국내 호텔을 대상으로 해외 인플루언서 마케팅을 활용하여 기획된 여행 패키지 제품을 판매하는 비즈니스를 시작하였습니다. 트레블테크 스타트업 바카티오에서 신사업 영업 프로젝트를 총괄했습니다.
Every exciting project starts with a significant challenge. In this case, I was confronted with a situation that required a fresh perspective, a complex problem that was crying out for a unique and innovative solution. This section aims to thoroughly unpack the intricacies of the challenge at hand, delving into the underlying roots of the issue, its wider implications, and why it presented such a compelling problem to solve.
The solution is where creativity truly comes to life. Here, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at how I managed to convert the challenge into a groundbreaking solution. I'll share the strategies I devised, the processes I used, and the technologies I harnessed to tackle the task at hand. This part of the journey is all about turning ideas into tangible, workable solutions, and I can't wait for you to see how this project unfolded.
As we arrive at the conclusion of this project's journey, it's time to reflect on the impact of my efforts. Here, you'll find a detailed analysis of the results, showcasing both quantifiable achievements and qualitative advancements. But it's also a chance for learning and growth. I'll share the insights I gleaned along the way and the lessons that I'll carry forward into my future endeavors. This retrospective is not just about celebrating success; it's about continuous improvement and a deep-seated passion for transforming challenges into triumphs.